Who will wear the crown in the future?

Alright, as of this year, both, Intel and AMD have been throwing processors with a growing number of nuclei and proccesing threads, giving shape to the "War", that at the same time allowed the prices to be reduced to levels that a few years ago, it wouldn´t be possible to have imagined it.

Fortunately, this competition will be responsible for reducing costs for users who buy the processors, because it encourages innovation and power pricing wars, but in the end it can also have on important counterpart, and is that the annual release of new processors generates confusion. Users can´t be clear about the differences that the new generations make compared to the chips they use, and it´s difficult for them to determine when they should change the processor.

Well, now having the words of this technology fanatic would go for the AMD side or the famous Intel side, it is clear that both companies throughout their history have always been rivals regardless of anything perhaps some of this will allow us to realize how technology is advancing in enormous steps. On the Intel side we know that they have a very strong side when it comes to creating chips capable of simulating a brain that is capable of giving and receiving information from autonomously, we are talking about technology for artificial intelligence (AI), but of course, AMD is not far behind, with new video games and demanding graphic loads coming out every day, AMD technology offers a splendid performance with what is needed and new architectures in their manufacturing, make that within many equipment such as consoles, have inside, a great power at a reduced cost compared to Intel.

*image alluding to the generation of artificial intelligence*

*image alluding to the generation dedicated to video game consoles by amd*                                                           
To have an additional opinion, we have asked for the help of a friend who knows enough about the subject, someone who could easily give us the pleasant experience of an interview, today with us Camilo Vasquez, will give us his opinion regarding this unique fight.


-Interviewer: Hey Camilo, what do you think about this amazing battle? (intel and amd)

-Camilo: oh man, I think we have an amazing battle here, because both companies are in their best moment, so we have to know that they are taking different ways, I mean, one is going for extremely hard working, and the other one is going for the gaming way, and maybe the prices can tell us something about who is winning this battle, but for me it´s a tie.

-Interviewer: which one do you think is the technology who can satisfice hardcore requirements?

-Camilo: In this way man, I have to say that amd won, because they gave everything for make a processor that can support many processes at the same time, and intel is just watching for graphics.

-Interviewer: which is the best company for you? And why?

-Camilo: No, I don’t have a favorite because it depends of the pc you want to have.

-Interviewer: How long do you think this war will last to see who is the best brand? Any predictions?

-Camilo: Yes, this is going to stop when the create a processor together, these two technologies will be a destructive product in the market.

-Interviewer: If we talk about quality/price, which would be the best?

-Camilo: Again, AMD is the best, they have the best prices for the performance the give us, intel is so expensive.

-Interviewer: Alright, and If you know so much about these two companies, for you what would be the final decision, for which of the two would you go, what would you buy intel or AMD?

-Camilo: I think it depends, of which would be the other components of my pc, or how much money I have, or what I want to have performance or graphics.

-Interviewer: OHH! thanks Camilo, we hope to see you on another chance, thank you very much for your help.

It is clear that this battle is important for the entire public, we do not lose hope that one day these two technologies can be merged, but well, what difference does it make, now it only remains to wait and see who offers more for less to the consumer, nobody knows if in in the future these processors may become part of our body or we will be replaced by them, I hope you liked it and see you next time.

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