miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020


Hello to all boys and girls who love technology, this time your favorite blog brings you as important presentations some topics that for this quarantine at home could help them a little more to know what is happening around them, we will see how the incredible companies Intel and AMD fight to see who is the best in the market, after all the world of video games and / or video consoles, these brands stand out the most in the market, and of course, also do a little awareness, over time with our existence the streets have been populated with unpleasant garbage, we will see how it affects us and severely affects the environment, we are slowly ending life on our planet, but a new hope may arise, we do not need to harm the ecosystem To be who we are, we will also see how beautiful nature can be, as a photo shows more than one person than a thousand words, and how not to speak of our sa lud, exercises that will finally help to get out of quarantine and maintain that figure that we like to see in the mirror so much, and if boredom kills you and you are very curious, we invite you to take a tour of our popular section, Did you know that ?, all this and more on the blog, so let's continue

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